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Division of Infectious Diseases

The division of infectious diseases diagnoses and treats patients with infectious diseases caused by various kinds of microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses, fungi or parasites, fever of unknown origin, tuberculosis, and AIDS. Recently, the importance of the division of infectious diseases has been magnified due to increases in antibiotic resistance resulting from the rapid development and heavy use of antibiotics. In addition organ transplantation, increases in immune disorder patients resulting from cancer chemotherapy and the prevalence of new communicable diseases such as AIDS, SARS, bird flu and new flues, have all contributed to the ever importance of infectious disease treatment.

Consultation and cooperation of treatments with other divisions accounts for an important part of the division of infectious diseases. To prevent nosocomial infections, the division of infectious diseases also investigates into nosocomial infection in cooperation with the division of infection control and makes the best efforts to control infection based on the results of their investigations. The division of infectious diseases also manages and supervises the use of antibiotics so that they can be appropriately used.