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Burn Care Center

The burn care center of HanilGeneral Hospital is a treatment center dedicated to burns operated with expert medicine and technologies based on experience in burn patient treatment for several decades. In this center, the department of emergency medicine, the department of plastic surgery, the department of General surgery, the division of internal medicine, the department of orthopedic surgery, the department of rehabilitation, the department of neurology and the department of neuropsychiatry have established a cooperative treatment system.

HanilGeneral Hospital began to treat electric burns from the establishment of Gyeongjeon Hospital as the only hospital that boasts the highest level in experience of the initial treatment of serious burn patients, treatment of cicatricial contracture of burns and treatment of complications after burns. Currently, this center has introduced and is applying new dressing materials and technologies and is also making efforts to develop new surgical methods to obtain better results. This center also makes efforts to provide high quality medical services by arranging specialists in various areas such as child burns, facial burns and reconstruction after burns.

The burn care center of HanilGeneral Hospital is unceasingly making efforts to not only provide best wound treatment to burn patients suffering from unexpected accidents or disasters to save as many lives as possible but also console burn patients. We will not stay in the present but will unceasingly study and make efforts to uphold our promise to provide the best possible medical services.